Turn your ticket shop into a marketing machine with Google Analytics

Sep 18, 2024

Sales Tips

Turn your ticket shop into a marketing machine with Google Analytics

For every online marketer, a measurable webshop and website is the first guarantee of success. After all, to know who your ideal client is, you want to know where they come from, what they do on your website and what the impact is of changes on your website or webshop. In short: you want to make your website/webshop measurable. With booqi.me's built-in Google Analytics integration, you can do this very easily yourself. 

1 - Where does the visitor come from?

First of all, you want to know where your visitors come from. So from which country, for example? But online, the source is especially important. So, for example, do visitors come from Google Ads, Facebook campaigns or did they come to you organically? If you know which channel your visitors come from, you know where you can get more from them or whether you should focus more on other channels. 

2 - What does a visitor do?

If someone has come to your website, it is also interesting to know what exactly they are doing there. Your ultimate goal is that the visitor goes to your ticketshop and buys a ticket there.

It is a utopia to think that all your website visitors convert immediately. A large proportion of your website visitors also drop out. With the integration of Google Analytics, you can determine exactly what percentage of your website visitors also purchase a ticket. 

But above all, you gain insight into the behaviour of your website visitors. Which pages do visitors view before buying a ticket? On which pages are they most engaged? Or on the contrary: on which page do visitors drop out? Important information to optimise your website for conversion. 

3 - Driving a visitor to sell

If you have insight into the behaviour of your website visitors, you also know which pages are performing well and which pages might need some attention. 

Based on the information you find in Google Analytics, for example, you choose to send more traffic to the best-scoring pages. In addition, you make sure that the less performing pages are further optimised so that they also generate more conversions. 

4 - Setting goals 

Your website is ultimately about achieving your goals. To achieve these goals, it is important that your website visitors complete certain actions. In Google Analytics, you can set your goals. A goal indicates a completed activity that contributes to the success of your website. 

An average website has the following goals: 

  • Purchase ticket: A visitor has landed on the success/thank you page shown after a successful payment. 

  • Contact form completion: A visitor shows interest and contacts you using a contact form. 

  • Page viewed: A visitor has viewed the ticket price page, for example. 


Integrating Google Analytics in your ticketshop gives you mega valuable insights into the activities on your website. You can determine exactly which marketing campaigns are successful and which are not and which pages on your website still need attention. In short: your website and ticketshop together form a real marketing machine that starts even before they land on your website.

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Ready to transform your ticket sales? Request a demo today and discover how Booqi.me can elevate your business.

Take the Next Step with Booqi.me

Ready to transform your ticket sales? Request a demo today and discover how Booqi.me can elevate your business.

Take the Next Step with Booqi.me

Ready to transform your ticket sales? Request a demo today and discover how Booqi.me can elevate your business.